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Hey Trufflesuite contributors, you’ve earned a POAP!

By Kingsley Arinze

Hey Trufflesuite contributors, we’re excited to share that in collaboration with the GitPOAP team, we will be issuing POAPs in appreciation of your awesome contributions over the years.

What are POAPs?

POAPs (Proof Of Attendance Protocol) are badges issued as NFTs (non-fungible token) to prove that the recipient/owner has carried out an action or has attended an event. They are like gold medals from the Olympics, except these exist as digital collectibles.

Who's eligible to claim a GitPOAP?

Great question. Annual contributor POAPs will be issued to those who have contributed one or more times since since the start of the following projects:

Those of you who have contributed to all three projects can claim all three POAPs!

Here are some POAPs you should expect to receive as a Trufflesuite contributor:

3 examples of GitPOAPs you could expect to receive as a contributor

How and when can I claim my POAP?

POAPs will be issued as NFTs, so contributors must authenticate with their GitHub accounts on the GitPOAP website to claim their POAP.

All POAPs are minted on Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai). There is no cost to claim a POAP and it can be migrated to Ethereum Mainnet by sending a transaction. Visit how do I migrate my POAP to Mainnet for instructions.

The official start date for claiming is April 7, 2022, so mark your calendars and claim your GitPOAP as soon as possible.

Thanks to the GitPOAP team for selecting Truffle as one of the lucky few projects in their launch cohort.