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Using Drizzle's Redux Store

For those times when you don't want to manage your own Redux store, Drizzle has you covered. You can pass your Redux sagas, reducers, middleware and drizzleOptions to generateStore and drizzle will incorporate them in its own Redux Store.

For an example use case see the Drizzle and Contract Events guide.

Add Middleware to the Store

Drizzle allows you to add redux middleware to it's redux instance. This gives you the ability to react to specific events in a meaningful way, outside of data synchronization. For example, you may want to interact with an external service whenever a contract event occurs.

  1. Import the drizzle dependencies.
import { generateStore, EventActions } from 'drizzle'
import drizzleOptions from '../drizzleOptions'
  1. Create a custom middleware. For more information on creating middleware for Redux, see the Redux middleware documentation.
const contractEventNotifier = store => next => action => {
  if (action.type === EventActions.EVENT_FIRED) {
    const contract =
    const contractEvent = action.event.event
    const contractMessage = action.event.returnValues._message
    const display = `${contract}(${contractEvent}): ${contractMessage}`

    // interact with your service
    console.log('Contract event fired', display)
  return next(action)
  1. Create the store passing your Middlewares.
const appMiddlewares = [ contractEventNotifier ]

// create the store
export default generateStore({
  disableReduxDevTools: false  // enable ReduxDevTools!

Add Reducers and Sagas to the Store

Drizzle gives you the option to add your reducers to its Redux store if you choose to use one store for your project.

  1. Import the drizzle dependencies.
import { put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { generateStore } from 'drizzle'
import drizzleOptions from '../drizzleOptions'
  1. Define actions, reducers and sagas
// actions

// reducers
const todosReducer = (state = [], action) => {
  if (action.type === TODOS_RECEIVED) {
    // update your state
    return action.todos
  return state

// fetch data from service using sagas
function *fetchTodos() {
  const todos = yield fetch('')
  .then(resp => response.json())
  yield put({ type: TODOS_RECEIVED, todos })

// Combine all your redux concerns

// app root saga
function *appRootSaga() {
  yield takeEvery(TODOS_FETCH, fetchTodos)
  1. Create the store passing in reducers and sagas
// app Reducers and Sagas
const appReducers = { todos: todosReducer }
const appSagas = [appRootSaga]

const store = generateStore({

export default store