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Ganache command line options

This reference describes the syntax of the Ganache command line interface (CLI) options for the Ethereum network.

Specify options

With the exception of detach mode, the startup options are grouped in the chain, database, logging, miner, wallet, fork, and server namespaces, and should be used as follows on startup:

ganache --<namespace>.<option>=<value>

You can also use an alias for startup options that have them. For example to set the network ID of a network use ganache -i=<NETWORK_ID> instead of ganache --chain.networkId=<NETWORK_ID>.

When using the startup options programmatically, use the following:

const options = { <namespace>: { <option>: <value>}};
const provider = ganache.provider(options);

Note: Command line options are case-sensitive.




Indicate whether to allow unlimited contract sizes while debugging. When set to true, Ganache behaves differently than in production environments.

The default is false.

** --chain.asyncRequestProcessing**


Indicate whether to asynchronously process requests. When false, only one request is processed at a time.

The default is true.



The chain ID of the network.

The default is 1337.

--chain.networkId, -i


The network ID that's retrieved when running the net_version JSON-RPC method.

The default is the system time when the process starts, or network ID of the forked blockchain if configured.

The alias --networkId is deprecated, use -i instead.

--chain.time, -t


Date and time that the first block should start. Accepts the date format supported by the JavaScript Date() constructor. For example Unix epoch or a string.

The alias --time is deprecated, use -t instead.

--chain.hardfork, -k


The hardfork rules for the EVM. Valid options are: constantinople, byzantium, petersburg, istanbul, muirGlacier, berlin, london, arrowGlacier, and grayGlacier.

The default is london.

The alias --hardfork has been deprecated, use -k instead.



Indicate whether to report runtime errors from EVM code as RPC errors.

The default is false.




The path to a directory to save the chain database.

The aliases --db and --db_path have been deprecated.




Indicate whether to log debug information. Set to true to log EVM opcodes.

The default is false.

--logging.quiet, q


Indicate whether to disable logging. Set to true to disable logging.

The default is false.

The alias --quiet has been deprecated, use -q instead.

--logging.verbose, -v


Indicate whether to log detailed RPC requests.

The default is false.

The alias --verbose has been deprecated, use -v instead.


--miner.blockTime, b


The block time (in seconds) for automatic mining. A block time of 0 enables instamine mode, where new executable transactions are mined instantly.

The default is 0.

The alias --blockTime has been deprecated, use -b instead.



The amount of time (in seconds) to add to the timestamp of each new block header.

The default is clock, which uses your system clock time as the timestamp for each new block.

--miner.defaultGasPrice, g


The default gas price in WEI for transactions if not specified.

The default is 0x77359400 (2 GWEI).

The alias --gasPrice has been deprecated, use -g instead.

--miner.blockGasLimit, l


The block gas limit in WEI.

The default is 0x1c9c380 (30 million WEI).

The alias --gasLimit has been deprecated, use -l instead.



The default transaction gas limit in WEI. Set to estimate to use an estimate (slows down transaction execution by 40%+).

The defaults is 0x15f90.



The block difficulty.

The default is 0x1.



The transaction gas limit in WEI for eth_call and eth_estimateGas calls.

The default is 0x2faf080.



The instamine mode which is either eager or strict. In eager mode a transaction is included in a block before its hash is returned to the caller. In strict mode a transaction's hash is returned to the caller before the transaction is included in a block. This value has no effect if --miner.blockTime is not 0 (the default).

The default is eager.



The mining reward address.

The default is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.



A hex string representing the 32 bytes included in the extra data field of a mined block.

The default is 0x.



Minimum price bump percentage needed to replace a transaction that already exists in the transaction pool.

The default is 10.




Account data in the form <private_key>,<initial_balance>. Specify the option multiple times to add multiple private keys with an initial balance.

Private keys are 64 characters long, and must include the 0x prefix. The account balance can be an integer, or a 0x-prefixed hex string with either form specifying the initial balance in WEI.

The alias --account has been deprecated.

--wallet.totalAccounts, -a


Number of accounts to generate at startup.

The default is 10.

The alias --accounts has been deprecated, use -a instead.

--wallet.deterministic, -d


Use a pre-defined, deterministic seed.

The default is false.

The alias --deterministic has been deprecated, use -d instead.

--wallet.seed, -s


The seed to generate a mnemonic.

The default is a random value unless you specify --wallet.deterministic.

The alias --seed has been deprecated, use -s instead.

--wallet.mnemonic, -m

--wallet.mnemonic="car casual program tourist aerobic broccoli link hamster resemble collect put october"

Use the specified HD wallet mnemonic to generate initial addresses.

The default is generated from --wallet.seed.

The alias --mnemonic has been deprecated, use -m instead.

--wallet.unlockedAccounts, -u


Addresses or address indexes specifying which accounts should be unlocked. You can specify the option multiple times.

The alias --unlock has been deprecated, use -u instead.

--wallet.lock, -n


Locks all available accounts, which is good for third party transaction signing.

The --secure and --lock aliases have been deprecated, use -n instead.



The passphrase to use when locking accounts.

The alias --passphrase has been deprecated.



Specify a file to save accounts and private keys to, for testing. The aliases --account_keys_path and --acctKeys have been deprecated.

--wallet.defaultBalance, -e


Specify the default account balance in ether.

The default is 1000.



The hierarchical deterministic (HD) path to use when generating accounts.

The default is m,44',60',0',0.


--fork.url, -f


Fork from a running Ethereum client. You can optionally specify the block to fork from using an @ character, for example http://localhost:1337@8675309.

The specified URL supports basic authentication credentials as well. For example, wss://<user>:<password> If you need to use an Infura API key secret, you would use it as follows:


Alternatively, you can use the --fork.username and --fork.password options.<STRING>"goerli"

The network to fork. Valid options are mainnet, goerli, gΓΆrli, and sepolia.

Use the command ganache --fork to automatically fork Mainnet at the latest block.



Block number to fork from. The default is the latest block.



When the --fork.blockNumber is set to latest (default), this option specifies the number of blocks before the remote node's latest block to fork from.

The default is 5.



Username for basic authentication. Does not require setting --fork.password. When combined with --fork.password, the shorthand is { headers: { "Authorization": "Basic {ENCODED-BASIC-HEADER}" } }.

If --fork.headers specifies an authorization header, the header is inserted after the Basic token.



Password for basic authentication. Does not require setting --fork.username. When combined with --fork.username, the shorthand is { headers: { "Authorization": "Basic {ENCODED-BASIC-HEADER}" } }.

If the --fork.headers specifies an authorization header, the header is inserted after the Basic token.



Encoded JSON Web Token (JWT) used for authenticating to servers.

The shorthand is { headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR-ENCODED-JWT}" } }.

If the --fork.headers option specifies an authorization header, the header is inserted after the JWT Bearer token.


--fork.userAgent="Ganache/7.0.0-beta.0 (; ganache<at>]"

The User-Agent header sent to the fork on each request.

Sent as Api-User-Agent when used in the browser. Is overridden by a User-Agent defined in the --fork.headers option, if provided.

The default is Ganache/VERSION (; ganache<at>



The Origin header sent to the fork on each request. Ignored in the browser.

Is overridden by an Origin value defined in the --fork.headers option, if provided.


--fork.headers="User-Agent: Ganache/VERSION (; ganache<at>"

Headers to supply on each request to the forked provider. Headers set here override headers set by other options, unless otherwise specified.

The default is "User-Agent: Ganache/VERSION (; ganache<at>".



Restrict the number of requests sent per second to the fork provider.

The default is 0, meaning no limit is applied.



Disables caching forking requests.

The default is false.



Deletes the persistent cache before starting.

The default is false.


Enables a WebSocket server.

The default is true.



Indicates whether WebSocket should respond with binary data (ArrayBuffers) or strings. Options are true, false, or auto.

The default is auto.



Defines the endpoint route the HTTP and WebSocket servers listen on.

The default is / for Ethereum and /rpc/v0 for Filecoin., -h<STRING>""

The hostname to listen on.

The default is

The aliases --host and --hostname have been deprecated, use -h instead.

--server.port, -p


The port to listen on. The default is 8545.

The alias --port has been deprecated, use -p instead.

Detach mode

Ganache can be started as a background process by passing the --detach option, along with any valid combination of start-up options.

--detach, -D, --😈

Runs Ganache as a background process, outputting a friendly name that can be used to reference the instance when managing the instance via the ganache instances command.

Ganache will only return to the command line once it is ready to receive requests, making it handy for scripting - for example, you can start Ganache, execute a series of tests, and teardown the instance when complete with a one-liner:

GANACHE=$(ganache --detach) && npm run test; ganache instances stop $GANACHE

Or if you are running PowerShell, you can do:

$GANACHE=ganache --detach; npm run test; ganache instances stop $GANACHE; Remove-Variable GANACHE

Manage detached instances

The ganache instances <sub-command> can be used to manage instances of Ganache running in detach mode.


Output the list of instances running in detach mode.

instances list

ganache instances list
$ ganache instances list
β”‚   PID β”‚ Name                   β”‚ Flavor   β”‚ Version β”‚ Host           β”‚ Uptime β”‚
β”‚ 12182 β”‚ salted_caramel_ganache β”‚ ethereum β”‚ 7.6.0   β”‚ β”‚    36s β”‚


Stop an instance of ganache running in detach mode.

instances stop

ganache instances stop <name>
ganache instances stop salted_caramel_ganache